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Friday, 13 July 2007

6 Reasons Why Google Search Share Can Reach 90%

Eric Savitz (Barron's) submits: How much market share can Google (GOOG) take in search? Cowen’s Jim Friedland looks at that issue in a research report Wednesday morning. Friedland notes that the company has about 50%-55% of search queries in the U.S. right now, and about 70%-75% share in Europe.

That’s impressive, but Friedland contends the numbers will go a lot higher: he thinks Google will reach “at least 90%” market share over the next decade.

He offers six reasons for that view:

  • R&D budget will remain “substantially higher” than rivals.
  • Sustainable advantage in providing more relevant results, “driven in part by a virtuous cycle where more searches drive more keyword advertising.”
  • Ability to deliver faster results due to higher cap ex spending than Microsoft’s (MSFT) Online Services unit and Yahoo (YHOO) combined.
  • Highly profitable core business allows Google to provide a superior user experience on many of its products by not displaying ads.
  • Portfolio of free Web-based apps, integrated with search, should drive volume and lessen Microsoft’s ability to leverage its dominant position on the desktop.
  • Greater depth and breadth of indexed offline content is difficult and costly to duplicate.
  • microsoft 15 years in China

    a post about microsoft in China

    Wednesday, 11 July 2007

    How to raise money from VC's? What is a good sales person?

    Try this great movie - how to raise money from VC's

    One more prof i have made the right choice focusing on the internet...

    China Mobile Destroys 300,000 IT Jobs
    China Mobile, MII, Ministry of Information Industry, SP, WVAS, telecom
    Posted by: Zhengqian Zhou on Jul 10, 2007 | 18:07
    Editorial Summary

    China's wireless value added service industry has lost nearly half of its workforce in the past two years, reports China Business Post. At its height, the industry had 600,000 employees and 22000 service providers. China's wireless value added service industry has been hit hard in the past two years from new regulations and policies initiated by China's Ministry of Information Industry and later continued by China Mobile. Less than 5000 service providers will have survived by end of June 2008, predicted China Business Post's report.

    Seven year wireless service industry veteran Mr. Gao has given up on wireless services. Gao opened a restaurant in Beijing this month after leaving the industry. The restaurant is directly across from Beijing Mobile's office. A discount is available for wireless industry workers.

    Sunday, 1 July 2007

    AdSense Tips from an Expert

    This is a nice post i once read with good tips to use on Ad sense. it is short and to the point.

    Why Adsense?

    AdSense outperformed every affiliate program he tried.

    Ad Placement

    The heat-map (where visitors look more carefully) is like an F and placing the ads there will lead to a higher CTR.

    For the top ad, use the google_ad_format “300×250″ and put it to the right of the left column navigation. Put a small paragraph of text above it so that the whole ad is wrapped in content. And make sure that ad is above the fold.

    For the footer, use a horizontal text link ad, placed in the middle of the page like the bottom navigation many sites use. Use the 4 or 5 link unit that best fits the size. These give a lower CTR, but if you have tons of traffic, it is worth it.

    Never use more than two ad blocks. The more have ads you have, the more room there is for cheap ads to appear.

    Skyscraper ads do not perform as well as 300×250 ads but are a good substitute on pages where the 300×250 ads can’t be used.

    Ad Design

    Colors of the link of the ad should match the color of the navigation links.

    Dim the URL in the ad (under the text) as much as possible so the visitor has a hard time reading it and typing it into another browser window. The color will be overruled if it is too close to the background color.

    The ad text should match the page text color.

    The background and border of the ad should be set to the same as the background, so they blend with the page colors.

    Use an alternate color so you don’t display public service ads. PSAs do not pay but do hurt your stats.

    Preventing “Ad Blindness”

    You can use alternate colors for the links if it’s a forum, or a site that people come back often to prevent ad blindness. The format to rotate 3 colors randomly for the links is:

    google_color_link = [”0000CC”,”800000″,”005500″];

    This will rotate the colors in the bracket randomly.

    Targeting Ads

    To exclude menus and other noise and target the right ads you can qualify specific areas of content for Google to use in its matching criteria:

    Content content content…

    Google will still show other ads if the amount of text is not enough.

    Make good use of and <h1> tags to get better targeted ads.</p> <p>Don’t forget to think about a product when writing a page - and mention it - so Google has some idea of which ads to place there. Good things to mention are books, software or equipment that could be useful to the user. Mentioning items in relation to the content will only help everyone.</p> <p><strong>Targeting an Audience</strong></p> <p>Think of what “Mr. Nobody” looks for, and you’ll get more money. SEO sites are the worse for AdSense, because SEO people don’t click ads. Amusement and games give very low money for the clicks.</p> <p><strong>Long-term Strategy</strong></p> <p>If every page you make raises just $.04 per day from the time the page ranks and you put up 5 pages per day you’ll raise your income $.20 per day. With 365 days in a year <strong>you’ll make $73.00 more per day!</strong></p> <p>One site may not make much money but several “not much” sites can equal a lot.</p> <p><strong>Defense</strong></p> <p>An update will not destroy several “not much” websites, but it may wipe out one mega-earner.</p> <p>Big keywords hurt much more when you lose them. 100 pages bringing 10 visitors are better than 1 page that brings 1000.</p> <p>You must have more than one site to make income online.</p> <p><strong>Working with Partners</strong></p> <p>Greed will make people make the wrong decision. Just remember, you can only trust yourself.</p> <p><strong>Link Building</strong></p> <p><em>Note: I asked about having ads on the site right away or if you should build some links first to get things rolling. Mystery Mentor suggested to place ads at launch.</em></p> <p>I don’t swap links, so all my sites are just one-way natural links. I can’t say if having ads are slowing natural links because I always put the ads right from the start. I do get loads of them even if my pages have ads on them.</p> <p><strong>Design versus Content</strong></p> <p>I’m no designer and basically use the same template for all my sites. If the content is right, you’ll get links eventually.</p> <p><strong>Attitude</strong></p> <p>Think good… don’t be influenced by complaining people. Just do the work and be free in a few years.</p> <p>Make a good helpful site: don’t pull tricks and you’ll get there.</p> <p>The rest is a patience thing.</p> <p class="\"sm\"">Last 3 posts by rmccarley</p><ul><li><a href="">Web Designers: Read this article!</a> - June 27th, 2007</li><li><a href="">Half-hearted Google Gripes</a> - June 25th, 2007</li><li><a href="">Major Lessons of a Minor Digg - Part II</a> - June 20th, 2007</li></ul> <div style='clear: both;'></div> </div> <div class='post-footer'> <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> <span class='post-author vcard'> Posted by <span class='fn' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype=''> <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='g-profile' href='' rel='author' title='author profile'> <span itemprop='name'>barak</span> </a> </span> </span> <span class='post-timestamp'> at <meta content='' itemprop='url'/> <a class='timestamp-link' href='' rel='bookmark' title='permanent link'><abbr class='published' itemprop='datePublished' title='2007-07-01T04:50:00-07:00'>04:50</abbr></a> </span> <span class='post-comment-link'> <a class='comment-link' href='' onclick=', "bloggerPopup", "toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=1,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,width=640,height=500"); 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One day I have decided to try something new! My wife and I decided to go to China. Our dream was to create a new business. This blog is all about our adventure in China, our company Meijob, that just launched the site, a leading job search engine in China. Meijob has a unique team of over 20 members that share the same mantra - make jobs come true </div> <div class='clear'></div> </div><div class='widget HTML' data-version='1' id='HTML2'> <h2 class='title'>Music from LastFM</h2> <div class='widget-content'> <style type="text/css">table.lfmWidget20070530175308 td {margin:0 !important;padding:0 !important;border:0 !important;}table.lfmWidget20070530175308 tr.lfmHead a:hover {background:url( no-repeat 0 0 !important;}table.lfmWidget20070530175308 tr.lfmEmbed object {float:left;}table.lfmWidget20070530175308 tr.lfmFoot td.lfmConfig a:hover {background:url( no-repeat 0 0 !important;;}table.lfmWidget20070530175308 tr.lfmFoot td.lfmView a:hover {background:url( no-repeat -85px 0 !important;}table.lfmWidget20070530175308 tr.lfmFoot td.lfmPopup a:hover {background:url( no-repeat -159px 0 !important;}</style> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:184px;" class="lfmWidget20070530175308"><tr class="lfmHead"><td><a 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