About 9 months ago, when we setup our Beijing office, we were looking for a recruiter to help us build our Meijob team, which is one of our streangths today. One of the candidates that came to an interview had minimal experience in HR, but she had a masters degree from a university abroad. Although she didn't have the relevant experience, I decided to give her a chance to prove her capabilities and to gain experience with Meijob.
We have a agreed that she would start working from the beginning of the following week on Monday at 9:00 AM.
I came up to the office at 8:30. 45 minutes later, the new recruiter still didn't knock on Meijob door. I have decided to call her in order to find out if every thing was ok, but ooops, there was no answer. at about 9:50, I have received an email from the candidate that said the following : "i am sorry, but after i have considered, i have decided to take another job opportunity..."
There were may ways to behave differently in this situation that i would have liked much more:
1. Let me know during the interview that she is still considering other alternatives and the finals asnwer will be given after several days.
2. Let me know sooner, at least a day sooner.
3. Contact me by phone to tell me that another opportunity came up and she decided to take the other opportunity. A similar story was told to me by many of my collegues that operate business in China. It is considered to be a common behaivour, and the main purpose of this post is to demonstrate the dammage an individual can cause his career by not respecting his own word. If you behave like that in the job seeking proccess, how will you behave during the work it self, how will you keep up your promises? or accomplish your goals? Can your boss trust you to keep up your word?
Answers.com provides the follwing definition for integrity:
Quality characterized by honesty, reliability, and fairness, developed in a relationship over time. Customers and clients have much more confidence when dealing with a business when they can rely on the representations made.
I also choose to presnet the following quote by Les brown:
Honor your commitments with integrity.
- Les Brown
We all have to remember that our word is us. If we respect what we promise, people will give us respect, but if we can't keep our word, we and other people will lose confidence in us.